Monday, November 24, 2008

Thing #8 - RSS Feeds - WOW!

Well, here I sit after finally figuring out these RSS Feeds. My mind is reeling and full of wonder. I can hardly wait to start receiving news, recipes, things for my grandchildren, etc. etc. The best part is that I don't have to search for this information, it comes to me! This is the part I really like.
I'm planning to use the feeds I have to find new recipes, activities for my family, and get some fashion ideas. Later I plan to use this technology to help me remodel/clean and redecorate my house. [I'm getting so ambitious, I may have to pinch myself!]
I can see libraries using these feeds to send specialized information to our users about the kinds of materials they want and then get them to check our more materials. We may also be able to save them time with their searching and homework questions. There are so many possibilities that need to be explored.
I love technology, I REALLY DO!

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