Tuesday, December 2, 2008

YouTube and Me!

I've looked around YouTube and I haven't decided whether or not I like it. I enjoyed finding some of the shows that I like, have missed and then being able to watch them. There are some things I don't mind if I never see again. So, for now I need more time to make my final decision.
The video(s) that I feel are worth adding to my blog are: Oprah's Clean Up Your Messy House Tour and Search for the World's Smartest Most Talented Kids. Both of these were very informative. (I do need to clean my house--it's not as messy as the one in the video! Thank God!) There are really a lot of talented children/teens in the world and I was very impressed.
Some of the components in these videos could be used by libraries to tell people more about the changes going on in libraries today, possibly get them interested and hopefully help make the community better library users. [I'm dreaming again!!]

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